作者 楊三郎 Author YANG San-Lang
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil Painting
本市典藏品 NTPC Art Collection NTPC Art Collection
年份 年代不詳 Year unknown
尺寸 70 x 90cm Size 70 x 90cm
The artist, YANG San-Lang is from Yonghe district in New Taipei City. During his early years he studied in Japan and France, and in 1934, along with LI Mei-Shu, CHEN Qing-Fen, and others he established the Taiyang Art Association. With his wife, XU Yu-Yan, they became leading figures of the association. Yang’s ideas and aesthetic concepts have influenced Taiwanese oil painting for decades. Yang is known for his dense use of color and his thick, diverse brushwork. Over the course of his life, Yang gradually changed from using gloomy colors and long brush strokes in his work to relatedly bright colors and finer, more detailed strokes. While his subjects were mostly landscapes, he also painted still lifes and portraits. His work “The Sound of Crashing Waves,” is arranged carefully, with an even and symmetrical composition, laid out in perfect order, with simple colors. The heavily applied oil paint and division of space are focal points that are worth paying close attention to.