作品圖片 觀音吐霧 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 觀音吐霧

觀音吐霧 Guanyin Mountain was Hidden in the Mist

謝牧岐 Author HSIEH Mu-Chi

壓克力 Medium Acrylic Painting

國立臺灣美術館 藝術銀行 Lender Taiwan Art Bank

2016 Year 2016

64.5 x 53.7 x 6.5 cm Size 64.5 x 53.7 x 6.5 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


HSIEH Mu-Chi’s works focus on interpretation. He often employs different methods and genres to create works that discuss the creator’s identity while building links between the creative process and the painting itself. Guanyin Mountain is geographically related to the artist and serves as the location used by many senior artists in Taiwan, as the vista offers plenty of materials for landscape studies. In the work titled Guanyin Mountain was Hidden in the Mist, the Mountain is depicted using trails of randomly moving colors and ample rubbing, generating different landscapes in the eyes of different artists. HSIEH Mu-Chi uses this work as a bridge to connect the history of contemporary art development in Taiwan, creating a contrast of different eras that offers plenty of room for imagination.