作者 謝牧岐 Author HSIEH Mu-Chi
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil Painting
借展單位 國立臺灣美術館 藝術銀行 Lender Taiwan Art Bank
年份 2005 Year 2005
尺寸 148 x 226.9 x 6 cm Size 148 x 226.9 x 6 cm
HSIEH Mu-Chi’s creations are characterized by freely flowing colors and brushstrokes. Small Universe is set against an overall yellow toned composition with purple colored patches at the bottom to create a strong and lively contrast. Single point perspective is used to arrange the composition, with white and black-colored monitors set at opposing sides. These objects represent the items that the artist comes in actual contact with in his physical surroundings. Overlapping paint and brushstrokes allowed him to create an imaginary space to express his innermost world. Actual items have been integrated with free flowing lines, melding elements of fantasy and the actual world together so that the viewers could experience an illustrator’s lifestyle as well as their creative processes.