"Focus on New Taipei City" is an exhibition which includes a series of photographic works that feature the unique municipal sceneries on the people, events, sceneries, and objects.
The focus of the photographs represents a special perspective to narrate the unique custom and lifestyle on the rich and fertile land of Taiwan. The photos take viewers to travel through time; see the street views of Chiu-fen in the 1950s and 1960s in Mr. CHENG Sang-Hsi’s works, to the multiple perspectives presented in the New Taipei City Art Exhibition over the past few years. These shots give viewers a vivid insight to these cultural customs and sceneries.
作者 | 鄭桑溪
年份 | 1959-1966
尺寸 | W60.5xH76cm
Author | CHENG Sang-Hsi
Year | 1959-1966
Size | W60.5xH76cm
作者 | 張國治
年份 | 2020
尺寸 | W156xH103cm
Author | CHANG Kuo-Chih
Year | 2020
Size | W156xH103cm
作者 | 陳正芳
年份 | 2018
尺寸 | W147xH110cm
Author | CHEN Cheng-Fang
Year | 2018
Size | W147xH110cm
作者 | 陳崑森
年份 | 2018
尺寸 | H65xW97.5cm
Author | CHEN Kun-Sen
Year | 2018
Size | H65xW97.5cm
作者 | 呂馨佑
年份 | 2016
尺寸 | H65xW97.5cm
Author | LU Ching-Yu
Year | 2016
Size | H65xW97.5cm
作者 | 賴輝彬
年份 | 2020
尺寸 | H65xW97.5cm
Author | LAI Hui-Pin
Year | 2020
Size | H65xW97.5cm
作者 | 劉明德
年份 | 2020
尺寸 | H65xW97.5cm
Author | LIU Ming-Te
Year | 2020
Size | H65xW97.5cm
作者 | 吳秋菊
年份 | 2014
尺寸 | H65xW90cm
Author | WU Chou-Chu
Year | 2014
Size | H65xW90cm
作者 | 蔡誌祥
年份 | 2020
尺寸 | H65xW86.5cm
Author | TSAI Chih-Hsiang
Year | 2020
Size | H65xW86.5cm
作者 張國治 Author CHANG Kuo-Chih
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2020 Year 2020
尺寸 W156xH103cm, W103xH156cm Size W156xH103cm, W103xH156cm
The north coast of Taiwan is one of the most beautiful coastlines in Taiwan. This area attracts many artists who want to capture the diverse geological features with the beautiful blue sky and ocean in the background. Undoubtedly, photographers have also come to revel in its beauty. The series of works captures how coastal reefs change under the impact of the ocean tide from the artist's point of view. The photograph depicts images that look like landscape paintings.
作者 陳正芳 Author CHEN Cheng-Fang
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2018 Year 2018
尺寸 W147xH110cm Size W147xH110cm
Sulfuric fire fishing is a worldwide unuique ancient fishing technique that is about to become extinct. Commonly known as "Benghuozai", this technique is most often used in New Taipei City. The fishermen use this method at night from May to September every year, and groups of bluefish are attracted by the sulfuric fire on the acetylene torch. The schools of fish jump into the nets cast by the fishing boats. It is the most special cultural landscape to see in the north coast on a summer night.
作者 鄭桑溪 Author CHENG Sang-Hsi
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
本市典藏品 NTPC Art Collection NTPC Art Collection
年份 1959 - 1966 Year 1959 - 1966
尺寸 W60.5xH76*2cm, W76xH60.5*2cm Size W60.5xH76*2cm, W76xH60.5*2cm
CHENG Sang-Hsi is a renowned Taiwanese photographer. He is good at capturing the cultural scenes and landscapes of Chiu-fen and Keelung in New Taipei City. In 1995, his series "The Old Days of Chiu-fen" was exhibited at the "Taipei County Cultural Center" as an important part of NTPC Art Collection. CHENG Sang-Hsi wrote in his personal photo portfolio: "I studied journalism, but I didn't intend to film Chiu-fen from the perspective of news reporting. I didn't want to use exaggeration or directing techniques to make the image more impressive. I just wanted to capture the scene with the background of linoleum roof with beautiful geometric patterns, the stone-built house walls, or the slate stairs with rich lines, so as to simplify the composition and focus on the subject of the photo, namely the things and objects to capture. Not knowing about the presence of the photographer, the subject of the photo can be spontaneous and undisturbed. The photographer can then capture various cultural features of Chiu-fen Mountain City."
作者 陳崑森 Author CHEN Kun-Sen
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2018 Year 2018
尺寸 H65xW97.5cm Size H65xW97.5cm
A park under the Guangfu Bridge in Banqiao District, New Taipei City, is commonly known as "Butterfly Park." Strangely, even after asking all residents who have been to the park for a walk or exercise, I still couldn’t figure out the origin of the name. I was curious as to how it looked, so I had my camera drone rise above to a height of nearly 150 meters. Finally, I succeeded in capturing the complete butterfly pattern. I really admire the how the elements played out to make the butterfly shape so perfect.
作者 呂謦佑 Author LU Ching-Yu
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2016 Year 2016
尺寸 H65xW97.5cm Size H65xW97.5cm
「時光總是走得太過匆忙,我們忙著長大,忙著賺錢,忙著成功,錯過了風景。人生路,誰也來不了第二次。走慢一些,偶爾腳 步停一下,停下來是為了欣賞生活中該有的美好!」
"Time flies! How much do we miss as we are busy growing up, making money, and pursuing success! No one can live forever. Slow down your pace a little bit, and once in a while, take a break and enjoy the beautiful things in life."
作者 吳秋菊 Author WU Chou-Chu
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2014 Year 2014
尺寸 H65xW90cm Size H65xW90cm
The mangrove plant floating in the water, the billowing colorful sails on the boats in the distance, with the Guandu Bridge in the background, form a picturesque scene—showing the vitality of Danshui River, the mother river of New Taipei City.
作者 賴輝彬 Author LAI Hui-Pin
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2020 Year 2020
尺寸 H65xW97.5cm Size H65xW97.5cm
捕撈漁苗是個險象環生的工作,人與海搏浪的同時,也是在與命運的搏鬥,每年因為捕撈漁苗而遭浪捲走更是時有所聞。這些漁民 為了貼補家用去撈漁苗,卻得冒著生命危險,不禁讓人感到基層生活的辛苦和無奈。
Capturing of fingerlings can be very dangerous. The fishermen have to venture into the perilous waters, and they are very much dependent on luck to survive the perilous sea and complete the task. Cases have been reported each year of a fisherman being engulfed in the waves when capturing the fingerlings out on the sea. To support their family, these fishermen have to risk their lives to capture the fingerlings. This just shows the hardship and hopelessness in life of the impoverished people.
作者 劉明德 Author LIU Ming-Te
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2020 Year 2020
尺寸 H65xW97.5cm Size H65xW97.5cm
Alabao Bay is located on Heping Island in the northeast coast of Taiwan. It is known to both local and overseas tourists as a scenic resort of strange rock formations. It is a favorite spot of landscape photographers for picturesque shots, and it is also a good spot to watch the sunrise!
作者 蔡誌祥 Author TSAI Chih-Hsiang
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2020 Year 2020
尺寸 H65xW86.5cm Size H65xW86.5cm
一直以來都以拍攝臺灣最美麗風景為創作主題,在每年的聖誕節都思考著怎樣的角度拍攝能展現出城市當中人們歡樂氣氛,透過鏡 頭把繁忙、歡樂做結合,創作出不同面貌的作品,讓我保持對拍攝的活性,每一個創作的經歷都非常難能可貴,綜觀人生是一段尋找自我的漫長過程,創作之於此即是享受風景的媒介。
The photographer has been focusing on shooting photos of the beautiful sceneries in Taiwan. He also focuses on capturing the busy yet joyous atmosphere in the city during the Christmas holiday season. He hopes the hustle and bustle can be vividly depicted in the photo to create a unique piece. The photographer treasures the experience of creating each photo. To him, life is an eternal journey of self-discovery, and photography is a media which helps him to enjoy the scenery along the way.