作者 林文昌 Author Lin, Wen-Chang
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil Painting
年份 1995 Year 1995
尺寸 152 × 112cm Size 152 × 112cm
此作表現新北市萬里區著名的野柳地質公園, 遠景是幽暗的天空與海面, 中景的岬角燈塔忽明忽滅,海上捕捉小卷的漁火點點,近景搭配漁家的木屋窗台與貝殼奇石,加上戲劇性的光影變化,使整體畫面充滿了靜謐奇幻的氣氛,將優雅的自然美景與溫馨的生活樣貌巧妙組合, 並且藉此啟發對於時間流逝的覺察與醒思。
The work represents the famous Yehliu Geopark in the Wanli District of New Taipei City. The dark sky and sea are in the background. In the distance, the lighthouse on the cape is flickering and there are dotted lights from squid fishing boats on the sea. At the front are the shell and rock on a windowsill of a fisherman’s house, accompanied by dramatic changes in light and shadow. The overall picture is full of a tranquil and magical atmosphere. The elegant natural scenery and warm life scene are smartly combined as the inspiration for an awareness and reflection of the passing of time.