作者 胡復金 Author Hu, Fu-Chin
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil Painting
年份 2010 Year 2010
尺寸 162 × 112cm Size 162 × 112cm
許多的驚訝 在一個個辛苦的日子
許多的驚訝 在一顆顆快樂的心靈
追逐著驚訝 只為留住夏日最後的清涼
追逐著大豹溪 多少人的心情
追逐著大豹溪 多少人的回憶
Lots of astounding, in the days of a hard time.
Lots of astounding, in the minds of happiness.
Chasing astounding to keep the last coolness of summertime.
Chasing Dabaoxi, the moods had on many people.
Chasing Dabaoxi, the memories made in many people.