作者 許國寬 Author Hsu, Kuo-kuan
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil Painting
年份 2019 Year 2019
尺寸 172 × 150cm (雙聯屏) Size 172 × 150cm (Two Joint Scrolls)
「回音」呈現特殊的景致蘊涵著不同次元的山林空間,物象交織於天際,藝術家巧妙地放置星空和飛鳥於其間,彷彿陣陣微風自畫面山林裡稍來音訊。 試圖透過強烈的色彩張力和戲劇性的手法,以珍珠奶茶、車輪餅、玩具、布偶...等圖像符號,架構台灣多元豐富的文化特色。
The special work “Echo”represents a mountainous space of different dimensions. The images are interwoven in the sky where the artist artfully arranges stars and flying birds. It is as if the breeze were bringing messages from the mountains. Through the strong color tension and dramatic technique, the symbolic images of bubble milk tea, wheel cakes, toys, and stuffed animals are made use of to construct the diverse and rich cultural characteristics of Taiwan.