作者 聶蕙雲 Author Nieh Hui-yun
媒材 純蠶絲 Medium Pure Silk
年份 2017 Year 2017
含框尺寸 102 × 104cm Size 102 × 104cm
The Taiwan blue magpie and colorful clouds painted with meticulous skill and strong colors in the artist’s silk scroll are the subjects of the picture. They are arranged to hover all over the picture with two handwritten characters in running-cursive script, “Taiwan,” circling around. The contours of Taiwan and its cities and counties (New Taipei City, Taipei City, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Hualien, and Kinmen) are combined. Through the camouflage colors, the Chinese culture and Oriental calligraphy and painting are smartly and meaningfully arranged with a sense of locality in the Taiwan image, forming an unusual and unique pure silk piece that is rich with creativity.