作品圖片 阿里山之晨 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 阿里山之晨

阿里山之晨 The Morning of Alishan

羅振賢 Author Lo Cheng-hsien

水墨絹本 Medium Ink Silk Scroll

1982 Year 1982

93 × 230cm Size 93 × 230cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


The creative blueprint of The Morning of Alishan is based on a lot of personal observation, understanding, sketching, and physical and mental realization. Located in the sea-island climate zone, the forest is lush and towering. In midsummer, the fog rolls in. During a morning walk, only the birds can be heard. No one else is around. It is a wonderland full of refreshing joy. Years ago, log cabins and iron sheet houses were scattered across the land in a simple yet elegant way. In the 1980s, they were torn down and rebuilt into public housing so this beautiful, tranquil scene only remains through pictures!