作者 吳宜芳(萬芳啟能中心) Author Wu I-Fang (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil painting
年份 2016 Year 2016
尺寸 49.5 × 60 cm Size 49.5 × 60 cm
宜芳的作品,總是能看到鮮豔、活潑的色彩和調性,畫中景色彷彿要從平面跳躍出來。暗夜裡,還有一群人為了生存與生活在活動,領受自然帶來的豐饒,俗稱 「蹦火仔」的捕魚法,是原住民與先民的智慧與生活。磺火的耀眼,雖然只照耀魚群和捕魚人,但也更加聚焦在活動上,船員的團隊合作、青鱗魚的跳躍,也再再彰顯生命的力量。
Bright and lively colors and tones can always be seen in I-Fang’s works so that the scenes seem to jump out of the pictures. In the dark, a crowd of people are working for survival and life. Receiving the abundance from nature, sulfuric fire fishing represents the wisdom and lifestyle of the indigenous people and ancestors. The dazzling sulfuric fire, though only shining on the fish and fishermen, is more focused on the activity. The crew’s teamwork and the jumping of the scaled sardines also demonstrate the power of life.