啟賢用繪畫紀錄與表達自己的感受和想法,讓他與筆下的可愛動物,帶我們體驗各種想像和有趣故事吧! Chi-Hsien records and expresses his feelings and thoughts through painting. Let him and his lovely animals lead us to experience all kinds of imaginative and interesting stories!
作者 黃啟賢(萬芳啟能中心) Author Huang Chi-Hsien (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)
媒材 壓克力顏料 Medium Acrylic paint
年份 2022 Year 2022
尺寸 31 x 26 cm Size 31 x 26 cm
The pheasant as the subject stands on the rock in its imposing manner. The splendid colors embellish its beautiful appearance. Its affectionate eyes show joy that reflects Spring with the wisteria flowers.
With rich colors such as purple flowers and green leaves, the universe is beautiful. Hearing the calls of the pheasant and enjoying the harmony of wisteria flowers, we pray for world peace.
作者 黃啟賢(萬芳啟能中心) Author Huang Chi-Hsien (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)
媒材 壓克力顏料 Medium Acrylic paint
年份 2022 Year 2022
尺寸 31 x 26 cm Size 31 x 26 cm
The pandemic has been serious these years. Even the moon, which has kept a safe distance of 384,400 km away in the universe, has to wear a mask to protect itself. The tiger of the year also has to wear a rabbit costume and eat mooncakes on the moon. There is not the lively atmosphere but a special charm. This year, we don’t enjoy the moon. Instead, we look at the stars and universe and see the world from a wider perspective.
作者 黃啟賢(萬芳啟能中心) Author Huang Chi-Hsien (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)
媒材 壓克力顏料 Medium Acrylic paint
年份 2022 Year 2022
尺寸 31 x 26 cm Size 31 x 26 cm
The prairie is where we live in peace. Insects and birds are my good friends, and there is only peace and leisure here. Worries are guided or eliminated by the green land. Ease, freedom, and mutual respect live here. Showing concern for each other is one of the elements of our beautiful life, as well as an inborn trait.
作者 黃啟賢(萬芳啟能中心) Author Huang Chi-Hsien (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)
媒材 壓克力顏料 Medium Acrylic paint
年份 2022 Year 2022
尺寸 31 x 26 cm Size 31 x 26 cm
「Oops!」什麼讓牠有如此表情?牠經歷了什麼? 那貓似乎剛經驗了一些事,我們印象中的貓曾有相似的模樣嗎?那眼和表情嶄露了什麼,真令人好奇。
“Oops!” What makes it look like this? What has it experienced? This cat seems to have just experienced something. Have we ever seen a cat look like this? The eyes and the facial expression tell us something, and we are curious about it.