作品圖片 馬偕博士夫婦畫像 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 馬偕博士夫婦畫像

馬偕博士夫婦畫像 Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Mackay

趙亨學(台灣星奇兒創藝協會) Author Chao Heng-Shiue (Taiwan Xingqier Creative Arts Association)

代用針筆、水性色鉛筆 Medium Technical pen, Watercolor pencil

2022 Year 2022

70 x 60 cm Size 70 x 60 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Mackay, Xingqier has collaborated with Tamsui Traveler to create portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Mackay. Heng-Shiue has to paint with her eyes very close to the paper, but she still carefully creates works with the exquisite lines of her unique smooth style. With the subject of Dr. Mackay introducing vegetables and fruit, preaching in Taiwan, and marrying the green onion woman in the Wugu area, the work has the unique charm of the colorful fresh fruit and vegetables. During Mackay’s time, the decorative art style of the 18th century was prevalent, so it was chosen as the style for the portrait frame.