作者 汪正翔 Author Sean Wang
媒材 攝影 Medium Photography
年份 2022 Year 2022
尺寸 20 x 150 cm Size 20 x 150 cm
One day, I took the MRT at Gongguang. When I swiped the card at the gate sensor, it beeped twice. Suddenly a staff member stopped me and compared the photo on my disability card with my appearance. Maybe it was because I didn’t look like a visually-impaired person. After checking, she asked me to swipe the card again and said it wouldn’t beep twice in the future. I didn’t realize that my card had been adjusted. Afterwards, when I would pass the faregates, my card would only beep once like a normal card. In order to retrieve my second beep, I’ve built a gate that will beep based on people’s physical traits. To prove that I am visually-impaired, I will present the proof at the exhibition.