作者 曹逸 Author Cao Yi
媒材 油畫 Medium Oil on Canvas
尺寸 91 × 72.5 cm Size 91 × 72.5 cm
西藏阿里地區的古格王國,始於10世紀末,地處險要,國強民富,全國篤信佛教。後來卻因為兄弟爭奪統治權位,造成弟弟引進拉達克外族軍隊聯合攻擊,滅於1635年。 作者以風化的牛骨代表死亡為前景,背景描繪出現今古格王朝國破家亡的荒廢淒涼狀。
The ancient dynastic kingdom of Guge in Tibet's Ali Prefecture, originating in the late 10th century, occupied a key strategic position. This kingdom flourished and prospered, with its inhabitants deeply devoted to Buddhism. Later, a conflict over the throne between brothers led to the younger brother enlisting foreign forces from Ladakh for a combined assault, culminating in the kingdom's collapse in 1635. The artist uses weathered cow bones as a symbol of death in the foreground, against a backdrop that portrays the desolation and sorrow of the fallen Guge Kingdom.