作品圖片 富貴角 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 富貴角

富貴角 Fukuei Cape

邱雍晉 Author CHIU Yong-Jin

膠彩畫 Medium Eastern Gouache

國立臺灣美術館 藝術銀行 Lender Taiwan Art Bank

2011 Year 2011

59.3 x 60.2 x 4 cm Size 59.3 x 60.2 x 4 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


CHIU Yong-Jin is skilled in using eastern gouache painting as an art media for creating artworks depicting daily travels, disassembling and putting back together experiences of these roundabout journeys. Fukuei Cape is dominated by a verdant mountain forest. CHIU Yong-Jin deliberately elevated the island in the lake and added a red and white Fukuei Lighthouse at its tallest peak to highlight the value of the artificial construct. The Fugui Cape Lighthouse provides geographical navigation and is also well-known for its historical value. Just as CHIU Yong-Jin has said, “I’ve used the cartographic methods and incorporated them with emotional cognition and scenes in my memory, converting the result into a re-assembled landscape to manifest the ideas and sensations experienced during the journey.”