作品圖片 虎虎生風 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 虎虎生風

虎虎生風 Vigorous Tiger

黃智陽 Author Huang Chih-yang

宣紙、宿墨、壓克力 Medium Xuan Paper, Overnight Ink, Acrylic

2010 Year 2010

85 × 177 cm Size 85 × 177 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation

作品表現虎年的勇猛精進,營造雄壯威武,氣勢非凡的氣勢。以 「虎虎生風」為書寫意象,也期許虎年能夠開展宏圖,虎嘯迎風,勇往邁進。字體以草書間雜篆書,一揮而就,濃淡墨的筆觸營造書法的節奏感;朱紅色筆觸率性奔躍由左下向右上穿越,加強了書寫動勢,而線條與色彩更營造出更多層次的抽象空間。透過不同字體的混搭,色彩的介入以及強調的節慶感,期望充分展現書法的現代感染力。

This work shows the fearless and progressive year of the tiger with majestic and powerful grandeur. The writing “Hu Hu Sheng Feng” (Vigorous Tiger) represents a grand plan, rising with the wind, and stepping forward bravely in the year of the tiger. The strokes of strong and light ink in among cursive and seal scripts create the rhythm of calligraphy. The free scarlet strokes across the work from the lower left side to the upper right side demonstrate great momentum in the writing. The lines and colors create an abstract space of more levels. Through the combination of different scripts, the intervention of colors, and the emphasis on festivity, this piece fully showcases the modern influence of calligraphy.