“The Inclusive City” features “diverse viewpoints” and invites artists from different groups connected with New Taipei City to present their viewpoints and thoughts. Through the artists’ unique growth paths, inner feelings, and value judgments, we can explore the varied perspectives of New Taipei City’s art and culture and respect and embrace difference voices. The exhibition is planned as “Ordinary Days” for the first half year and “Future Time” for the second half year, demonstrating concern for the artistic viewpoints of different groups, identities, and the general public.
「尋常日子」,指的是透過身心障礙藝術創作者的藝術呈現,展現其實每一個人都一樣,認真、努力地在城市生活中過著自己的尋常日子,並以尋常的樣貌,呈現為一般卻又豐盛的藝術創作。展覽精選21位藝術家作品,以自我成長、城市觀察、個人情感、創意繽紛及美好回憶等面向述說故事,帶給觀者溫暖幸福的感受,並從不同角度觀賞藝術,瞭解新北市不一樣的藝術之美。 Through the artistic presentation of artists with physical or mental disabilities, “Ordinary Days” shows that everyone tries hard to live their ordinary lives in the cities, as well as that ordinary appearances can become diverse artworks. The exhibition has selected the works of 21 artists and tells stories about personal growth, city observations, personal feelings, splendid creativity, and beautiful memories to bring viewers a warm and happy feeling and help them appreciate art from different angles and understand the different beauty of art in New Taipei City.
歡迎民眾預約參觀,展覽預約辦法: https://ntpcdna.online/reservation.html