作品圖片 新北市夜晚的耶誕城 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 新北市夜晚的耶誕城

新北市夜晚的耶誕城 New Taipei City Christmasland at Night

羅得嘉 Author Billy Degas Lo

壓克力 Medium Acrylic

2019 Year 2019

116.5 × 91 cm Size 116.5 × 91 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


The clear blue night sky puts the focus on the lively and colorful New Taipei City Christmasland. The towering Christmas tree, brilliants lights, dense tall buildings, and visiting crowds seem to echo with the stars, which fully reveals the image of the city. This image not only represents the annual season greetings but the painter also creates an the energetic and dazzling urban life impression through his brush strokes.