
我的觀察日記 My Observation Diary

我們藉著彥伯的圖畫,從他的角度,體驗他所觀察與經歷到的世界,其中或許也有想告訴大家的話,提醒大家生活的美好,一起把握和思考生活的每個瞬間與點滴。 Through Yen-Po’s paintings and from his angle, we can experience the world he observes and experiences. Maybe he would like to tell everyone something. He reminds us of the beauty of life and every moment that we have to grasp and think about in life.

作品圖片 飛魚季 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 飛魚季
作品圖片 巴士 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 巴士
作品圖片 石虎 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 石虎
作品圖片 玫瑰花 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 玫瑰花

飛魚季 Flying Fish Season

陳彥伯(萬芳啟能中心) Author Chen Yen-Po (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)

色鉛筆、蠟筆、圖畫紙 Medium Color pencil, Crayon, Drawing paper

2019 Year 2019

43 x 58 cm Size 43 x 58 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


Summon flying fish and pray for a great harvest. The black-wing flying fish in the dream teaches ancestors how to properly capture and cook red-wing flying fish. Even though it is only a legend, it represents rich cultural content. They represent respect for the environment and nature and the wisdom and belief in life.

巴士 Bus

陳彥伯(萬芳啟能中心) Author Chen Yen-Po (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)

色鉛筆、蠟筆、圖畫紙 Medium Color pencil, Crayon, Drawing paper

2018 Year 2018

31 x 43 cm Size 31 x 43 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


A four-decker bus! What a marvelous vehicle! If it can carry a lot of people at one time, we can go out to play together. If it can carry a lot of people at one time, it can also carry many things. Transportation is a daily invention loved by people. I wonder what else the vehicle carries besides our lives and bodies.

石虎 Leopard Cat

陳彥伯(萬芳啟能中心) Author Chen Yen-Po (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)

色鉛筆、蠟筆、圖畫紙 Medium Color pencil, Crayon, Drawing paper

2020 Year 2020

58 x 43 cm Size 58 x 43 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


Mountains and forests are my home. I am a child of the land. The leopard cat plays on the green land like a child with headgear. Life is simple and happy and pure at its essence. In the eyes of the leopard cat child, the environment and the world are so beautiful. Let’s cherish this land and have fun with our children.

玫瑰花 Roses

陳彥伯(萬芳啟能中心) Author Chen Yen-Po (Wanfang Center for Disabled People)

色鉛筆、蠟筆、圖畫紙 Medium Color pencil, Crayon, Drawing paper

2017 Year 2017

31 x 43 cm Size 31 x 43 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


Roses in full bloom attract butterflies looking for what they like, stopping for a while, or fluttering elegantly. The butterflies attach to the blossoming flowers without unnecessary sentiments throughout spring time. The butterflies have only pure passion for flowers and endless love for the moment.