作者 潘丁榮 Author Pan Ting-Jung
媒材 水彩 Medium Watercolor
年份 2020 Year 2020
尺寸 114 x 144 cm Size 114 x 144 cm
昔年愛畫九份,常常前往金瓜石寫生,至現退休後,發現心中對畫畫始終無法忘懷,持續創作,慢慢走出自我風格。 漫步在金瓜石路邊,眼見路邊瀑布小溪景觀,映入眼簾馬上聯想到舊時風光,金瓜石礦工村景深刻的印在靈魂深處,速寫出岩川色美,昔年礦工景緻復甦。
I love painting Jiufen and often painted outdoors at Jinguashi. After retirement, I found that my love for painting never faded, so I kept creating and gradually developed my own style. Taking a stroll in Jinguashi, I saw the waterfall and stream from the road. The scene coming into view reminded me of the old days of the mining town deeply engraved in my soul, so I sketched the beautiful colors of the rocks and stream and brought the former scene back to life.