作者 米路哈勇 Author Miru Hayung
媒材 壓克力 Medium Acrylic
文化 泰雅族 Culture Atayal
尺寸 106 × 300 cm Size 106 × 300 cm
米路‧哈勇(Miru Hayung) 來自桃園復興區爺亨部落泰雅族人,米路(Miru)在泰雅族語為書寫、畫圖的意思,創作靈感多半來自於從小生長山林土地以及原住民族的生活和文化。在這塊茁壯他創作能量的土地上,一筆一劃地勾勒,米路的畫作實踐了自我夢想、觸動了人心,更建構了一座專屬原住民族發聲的藝術聚落。本次展出作品訴說從出生到年老,從過去到現在,人的一生都在追尋一條生命道路,如同泰雅織布過程起承轉合,直到成熟的織布技能表示能承擔家的責任,這條生命線就是在編織自己的人生。
An Atayal hailing from the Zihing tribe in Taoyuan's Fuxing District, Miru Hayung draws inspiration from lush mountainscapes and the dynamic life and culture of his indigenous people. Miru, meaning "writing and drawing" in Atayal, reflects his deep connection to his heritage. In this fertile land where his creative energy thrives, Miru's artistry enlivens his dreams and touches the hearts of those who encounter them. Miru aspires to create an artistic haven for indigenous people to articulate their stories. The artworks showcased in this exhibition eloquently narrate the lifelong journey of individuals, from birth to old age, traversing past and present times. Mirroring the Atayal weaving process, life unfolds as a continuous thread, starting with humble beginnings and gradually progressing until one acquires the proficient weaving skills that signify readiness to assume familial duties. This lifeline, intricately woven, symbolizes the remarkable tapestry of their own lives.