作者 蘇琬婷 Author Su Wan-ting
媒材 黏土畫 Medium Clay mural
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 39 x 39 cm Size 39 × 39 cm
一年當中最珍視的一段美好時光,在平靜安和的氣氛中感受齋月的洗禮,透過齋戒、祈禱與施捨等方式行善賜福,見面互道齋月快樂(Selamat Berpuasa Ramadhan)暫時拋開物質享受與慾望,安靜傾聽阿拉、先知與自己內心的聲音。
The most important time of year, devotees are observe Ramadan in a calm and peaceful atmosphere, and are blessed through such noble acts as fasting, prayer, and charitable giving. Practicing Muslims greet each other with “Selamat Berpuasa Ramadhan” (happy Ramadan) and, for a time, do away with material pleasures and desires to listen intently to Allah, the Prophet, and one’s own spirit.