作者 林芳菲 Author Lin Fang-fei
媒材 黏土畫 Medium Clay mural
國家 緬甸 Country Myanmar
尺寸 39 × 39 cm Size 39 × 39 cm
The worship of the eight strands of hair from the head of Gautama, the staff of Kakusandha, the water filter of Konagamana, and the robe of Kassapa has a 2,600-year history, and, on holidays, the people will make pilgrimages to this place. In my memory, it has a bell with a beautiful, pleasant, and sweet-sounding toll that harmonises with the voices of the devout as they recite the sutras to create the perfect atmosphere for monks and laymen as they meditate. It is a place of absolute peace and serenity. It is that place which I can never forget: Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar’s Yangon City.