作品圖片 當存在已不再 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 仰望地標大金塔

仰望地標大金塔 Shwedagon Pagoda

林芳菲 Author Lin Fang-fei

黏土畫 Medium Clay mural

緬甸 Country Myanmar

39 × 39 cm Size 39 × 39 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


The worship of the eight strands of hair from the head of Gautama, the staff of Kakusandha, the water filter of Konagamana, and the robe of Kassapa has a 2,600-year history, and, on holidays, the people will make pilgrimages to this place. In my memory, it has a bell with a beautiful, pleasant, and sweet-sounding toll that harmonises with the voices of the devout as they recite the sutras to create the perfect atmosphere for monks and laymen as they meditate. It is a place of absolute peace and serenity. It is that place which I can never forget: Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar’s Yangon City.