藝術家安妮在2012年第一次來台灣,分別在基隆、新北、台中不同城市工作生活。其中安妮是通過新北市了解台灣的當地人文特色、語言和習俗等。即使到現在安妮仍然與她的前雇主保持著聯繫,與這個城市密切連結。其創作題材主要從自身信仰出發,並參與多場展覽如:2017年的Namaste千島之眼,2017年的東南亞香料展,2023年的Zentangle Class and Sharing等。 Chi-Hsien records and expresses his feelings and thoughts through painting. Let him and his lovely animals lead us to experience all kinds of imaginative and interesting stories!
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 17 cm Size 23 x 17 cm
Sometimes life gives us hardships to test our patience.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 14 cm Size 23 x 14 cm
Being extremely angry is an internally painful experience. This is because when you lose patience, you lose the ability to maintain an internal balance.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 17 cm Size 23 x 17 cm
Anger and pain drain the color out of life. You may have people all around you, but on the inside you will feel lonely.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 17 cm Size 23 x 17 cm
The painting is made using the first letter of the artist’s name—Dee—in the hope that her personal growth and her life can blossom like a flower.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 23 cm Size 23 x 23 cm
Take your broken heart , make it into art,將心的碎片轉為更美麗的形狀,即使它仍然沒有形狀。
Take your broken heart, make it into art, even if that art is abstract.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 17 cm Size 23 x 17 cm
This piece signifies that something good will happen this year, like an egg hatching into a new life called “Hope”.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 23 x 17 cm Size 23 x 17 cm
The moon, flowers, and stars lead the way, symbolising the beauty and awe of Ramadan. The mosque in the image is where Muslims go to pray. During the month of Ramadan, most religious events take place in the mosque where Allah gives his blessings, forgiveness, and mercy.
作者 蒂安妮 Author Dee Anne
媒材 纏繞畫 Medium Zentangle
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 32 x 23 cm Size 32 x 23 cm
花卉圖案就像表達對完美齋月的敬畏,與開齋節(Eid Al Fitr)的幸福和感激之情。畫面中間的阿拉伯字母寫著“Eid Mubarak”,意思是開齋節是有福的。
The flower and plant pattern is an expression of the artist’s awe for the perfection of Ramadan and the blessed and grateful feeling of Eid al-Fitr. The Arabic script in the center says “Eid Mubarak” and is a greeting during Eid al-Fitr meaning “blessed festival”.