作者 FIDATI(Pindy Windy) Author FIDATI(Pindy Windy)
媒材 捏麵人 Medium Dough modeling, corn starch
國家 印尼 Country Indonesia
尺寸 30 x 30 cm / 40 x 40 cm Size 30 x 30 cm / 40 x 40 cm
The piece “Happy Family” uses a simple technique and warm mood to show us how sitting on the floor to share a meal is part of traditional Indonesian culture. When celebrating together, we will always choose to sit on the floor even if there are tables and chairs in the room. This is an expression of our pride in and acknowledgment of our culture, and it goes against the idea that many people have that the practice is inelegant and old-fashioned. But these get-togethers increase the sense of camaraderie and social cohesion.