作者 陳睿淵 Author Chen Rui-yuan
媒材 墨、壓克力、礦物顏料、畫布 Medium Ink, acrylic, mineral pigments, canvas
國家 馬來西亞 Country Malaysia
尺寸 130 × 250 cm Size 130 × 250 cm
Since arriving for university, it has been ten years that I’ve resided in Taiwan. During this time, my works have thematically revolved around Taiwan’s man-made scenery. This particular piece, however, marks a return to my home of Malaysia. It records a visit made to Malaysia’s Tanjung Piai National Park which lays at the southernmost tip of Peninsular Malaysia and is famous for being the southernmost point of the Eurasian continent. On that particular day, I stood under the monument proclaiming Eurasia’s southernmost point, and looked out over the horizon towards the South China Sea. To my surprise, straddled between the sky and sea, I saw an ongoing land reclamation project, replete with steel structures and busy machinery crawling over a vast sandbar. This scene made me consider how geographical features produced by millions of years of tectonics can be changed in a relative instant by human activity. This particular piece is named after the GPS coordinates of where I stood that day—a location that may not be the southernmost tip of Eurasia much longer. In addition to appreciating the scene in this painting, viewers are encouraged to input the coordinates to get a real-world, satellite view of the exact location and the entanglements between man-made structures and nature present there.
作者 陳睿淵 Author Chen Rui-yuan
媒材 壓克力、礦物顏料、畫布 Medium Acrylic, mineral pigments, canvas
國家 馬來西亞 Country Malaysia
尺寸 130 × 250 cm Size 130 × 250 cm
This piece harkens back to a trip I took to my home country of Malaysia. During my travels in the southern tip of Peninsular Malaysia, travelers spoke of a fantastical lake found off the beaten path. At first glance the lake looks natural, but is in fact the remains of an abandoned mine. Due to the unearthed mineral deposits in the area, the lake's waters appear astoundingly blue. This piece is named after the GPS coordinates of where I stood that day as I gazed upon the lake. I hope that the public will, out of curiosity, check the coordinates themselves. On the corresponding satellite image, they will see a small lakeshore path leading to a nearby quarry.