作者 陳柏源 Author Chen Bai-yuan
媒材 油彩,畫布 Medium Oil paint, canvas
國家 泰國 Country Thai Chinese
尺寸 91 × 116.5 cm Size 91 × 116.5 cm
在回顧過去生命的遷移史和移動經驗之下,透過創作的方法利用從機窗外所見的雲體表達出諸如許多的當代和水墨等語彙,如:颱風、移動的山、類山水、黑白抽象等。從四年前發展的《非 雲》系列,那種墨水般模糊深邃的「雲」當做個人元素。創作者早期由飛機上空觀望雲,近期在研究當代水墨領域當中從許多關於「園林」和「遠游」的溯源影響,數次於在地生態的花園、池塘和湖中等觀察到不同的視覺靈感。透過池塘下的水草,浮動的漣漪,或高雄澄清湖上倒映的白雲,藝術家結合成許多抽象的語彙。藉由此類的創作方式讓畫面充滿許多超越限制性的想像,如浩瀚宇宙、如深海泡影或如神秘隕石等,藝術家認為這是回歸「雲」它最基本的自然特質,即它存在的想像性。
Looking back on the migration and movement of previous life on Earth, clouds seen from a plane window become the creative vocabulary in the medium of contemporary ink wash from which arise myriad forms such as typhoons, floating mountains, various landscapes, and black and white abstractions. Starting from artist's Post-Cloud series four years ago, the fathomless and recondite “clouds” of his ink wash have become a sort of personal element for the artist. From clouds outside an airplane’s window, the artist has recently pivoted to tracing the influence of gardens and excursions among the contemporary ink wash field, arriving at various visual inspirations through his own personal experience of local gardens, ponds, and lakes. A lake’s aquatic plants, the ripples on a water’s surface, white clouds reflected on Chengqing Lake in Kaohsiung—the artist successfully combines such abstract vocabularies in a sort of creative modus operandi that allows his paintings to be filled with unrestrictive, far-flung imaginings: vast universes, bubbles in the deep sea, mysterious meteorites, etc. For the artist, these myriad appearances can all be traced back to the foundational characteristics of “clouds” and the imagination that defines their existence.