作品圖片 九份夜曲 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 九份夜曲

九份夜曲 Jiufen Nocturne

黃運祥 Author Huang Yun-xiang

水彩(矽酸鈣板) Medium Watercolor (Calcium Silicate)

95 × 156 cm Size 95 × 156 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation

天色已靜,點燈吧!九份的夜,總是誘惑著旅人的畫筆! 採兩張全開水彩紙聯幅,選擇夜幕低垂之境,令殘光寫意房舍,雖萬家燈火,依舊窺得九份環境特色。此作添加增厚材,以創造厚實肌理又渲染迷離之創作

The sky has quieted down, let's turn on the lights! In the evenings, Jiufen always beckons to the paintbrushes of travelers! Two full-size watercolor papers capture the scene of the evening sky hanging low, letting the fading light casually illustrate the houses. Even amidst the numerous lights within the homes, the distinct characteristics of Jiufen remain visible. This piece incorporates thickened media to forge a creation that is both thick and textured, yet retains an air of ambiguity.