藝術教育在文化傳承中擔任著重要的角色,在個體和社會層面都具有深遠的意義,它不僅僅是藝術技能的傳授,更是一種促進全面發展和豐富人生的教育方式。 Art education plays a crucial role in cultural heritage, holding significant importance at both individual and societal levels. It is not merely the transmission of artistic skills, but also an educational approach that fosters comprehensive development and enriches life.
新北市近4百所的學校孕育了豐富的人文樣貌,每一個世代有不同的藝術態度,創作是一場不斷的耕耘,每一件作品都反映了創作者對生命的深刻體悟。 The nearly 400 schools in New Taipei City have nurtured a rich cultural landscape, with each generation exhibiting unique artistic attitudes. The process of creation is an ongoing cultivation, and every piece of work reflects the creator's profound insights into life.
藉由市府18樓公共空間,推展新北豐沛厚植的在地藝術文化及獨特美學視域。 Utilizing the public space on the 18th floor of the city government, we promote the abundant and deeply rooted local art and cultural aesthetics unique to New Taipei City.
歡迎民眾預約參觀,展覽預約辦法: https://ntpcdna.online/reservation.html