作品圖片 存與失的延續 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 存與失的延續

存與失的延續 Continuity of Existence and Loss

林佳諭 Author Lin Jia-yu

紙本,膠彩 Medium Eastern Gouache、Paper

130 × 162 cm Size 130 × 162 cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


In painting, simplicity is an abstract aesthetic concept aimed at conveying the underlying sentiment or meaning beyond the visible image. Through the lens of reality and illusion, reality encompasses the visible and tangible, whereas illusion refers to the concealed elements that elevate emotional expression. As the saying goes, "Mountains appear lofty because of their hidden parts; rivers seem long because of their winding course." Embracing "blank" space in art means minimizing elements and details to unveil a richer narrative and a more profound perceptual experience. Such empty spaces invite boundless imaginative possibilities, freeing viewers from literal interpretations and allowing emotions to transcend the visual confines.
Continuity of Existence and Loss navigates the interplay between reality and illusion. By layering and subsequently stripping away elements using the nature of gouache paint, the artwork strips back to the essentials, avoiding excessive narrative details. This enriches the visual texture while retaining only the core attributes of the subject. Employing indicative techniques and a predominance of white tones fosters an ethereal ambiance, broadening the viewer's imaginative scope. The aim is to maximize expressive potential with the simplest form, revealing the deepest truths within oneself.