新北市境內有遼闊寬廣、得天獨厚的多元地貌,蘊育一股源源不絕的動能。動能轉動不息而流轉於每一地、每個季節與每個人們之間,匯聚成無限的可能。 New Taipei City boasts vast and diverse landscapes, endowed with unique natural features that nurture an endless source of energy. This energy continuously flows and circulates between different places, seasons, and people, gathering into infinite possibilities.
本展以綠色的山嵐、湛藍的海洋、城市的光廊,開啟《轉動。無限》的視覺意象,以人物攝影與藝術作品,從四個概念出發:啟動城市「力」量的核心、聚合力「量」的人們、流「轉」於人與人之間的交流,以及那些持續不斷的「動」力。透過攝影作品中人們運動的姿態與神情,與藝術家創作的動態人物及自然風景,將「力、量、轉、動」元素蘊含於作品。 This exhibition opens the visual imagery of "Rotation. Infinity" with the green mountains, the deep blue sea, and the city’s light corridors. Through photography and art works, it explores four core concepts: activating the city’s "power", the collective energy of its people, the "exchange" flowing between individuals, and the continuous "movement" that drives everything. Through the dynamic postures and expressions of people in the photographs, as well as the artists' depictions of dynamic figures and natural landscapes, the elements of "power, energy, rotation, and movement" are embedded in the works.
人們可以沉浸在新北美麗的山河海景中,自在的健身、慢跑,形成全民運動,讓健康成為新北的日常。當人們揮棒擊出前進的動能,邁出每一步向下扎根的腳步,以堅定的信念全力朝向目標衝刺,啟動了無限循環的可能性,更共同建構了一座幸福的運動城市。邀請每一位到訪於此的人們,看見新北啟動與流轉的無限力量。 People can immerse themselves in the beautiful mountain, river, and coastal views of New Taipei City, enjoying fitness and jogging, creating a nationwide movement, and making health a part of daily life in New Taipei City. As people swing their bats and step forward with determination, rooting each stride firmly into the ground, they sprint toward their goals with unwavering belief. This not only activates an endless cycle of possibilities but also collectively builds a happy and healthy sports city. It invites every visitor to witness the infinite power of activation and flow in New Taipei City.
歡迎民眾預約參觀,展覽預約辦法: https://ntpcdna.online/reservation.html