作品圖片 交匯的詩意(點擊將開啟燈箱) 交匯的詩意

交匯的詩意 The Poetry of Intersection


2024 Year 2024

水彩、蠟筆、色鉛筆、丙烯顏料 Medium Watercolor, crayon, colored pencils, acrylic paint

76x104cm Size 76x104cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


From an elevated vantage point in a metropolis, the network of roads becomes a visual element. Major thoroughfares such as highways, expressways, bridges, and subway lines run through the city like arteries, connecting the entire urban area.
The Poetry of Intersection uses shades of blue to convey a sense of healing from inner melancholy. The city mirrors a vast, deep ocean, with directions that are unfathomable and unclear. The linear layout of the highways creates a monotonous and repetitive flow, making it easy to lose one’s sense of direction. Especially when driving in unfamiliar areas or at night, road signs and landmarks can become unclear, causing a feeling of losing control over one’s position. This sense of disorientation can lead to isolation, as if trapped in an endless void.