作品圖片 彩蝶飛舞的化石風景 (點擊將開啟燈箱) 彩蝶飛舞的化石風景

彩蝶飛舞的化石風景 Fossil landscape with colorful butterflies dancing

林文昌 Author Wen-Chang Lin

2023 Year 2023

油畫 Medium Oil painting

128x152cm Size 128x152cm

作品賞析 Artwork Appreciation


Apart from the small patch of sky at the top, the entire composition is layered with fossil-like textures, symbolizing the cycles of life and the passage of history. Several green bamboo shoots rise from below, symbolizing humanity's yearning for immortality. Colorful butterflies dance upward into the sky, symbolizing the brilliance and splendor of life, as well as the cyclical nature and transformation of beautiful existence. The use of dark tones imparts a sense of mystery and solemnity to the artwork, prompting the viewer to reflect deeply on nature and life.